Wire Mesh fencingcovers a vast range of mesh fencingproducts from light agricultural and farm wire mesh / welded mesh fencing,china link fence ,security fence , also the temperary fence.
Wire mesh fencingproduct is a very popular type of fencing with obvious benefits: it lets lightand wind through, and also allows good visibility for people to keep an eye ontheir property and any agricultural / residential projects involving flowers oranimals. Being able to see through the fence works very well from a securitypoint of view too; mesh or wire fence doesn't provide a barrier that potentialthieves or intruders to hide behind.
Belowis a list of some of our most popular types of Wire Mesh Fencing forCommercial, residential and agricultural applications. For more information onthe product, click on the image and you will be directed to the webpage that isappropriate for the style of Mesh Fencing you are interested in.
Welded Wire Mesh Fencing
Temporary Fencing
Chain Link Wire
South Of Daituan xincun,Tangfeng,Shenzhou City,Hebei China. 053600
Tel: 0086 137 8587 0122 0086 153 3318 9431
Email us with as much detail as you can so we can give you the best help possible.
Huatao Group| Stainless Steel Wire Mesh| Stainless Steel Crimped Mesh| Stainless Steel Welded Panels| Stainless Steel Welded Mesh|